Rules for Rulers

A commentary on the Constitution, the 2nd Ammendment and life in general.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

LT G Can Write

Hat tip to Blackfive for pointing me here. Lt G from Kaboom: A Soldier's War Journal has excellent writing skills. Here's a sample but I suggest you go over there and read it yourself.

I didn’t want to spend the next decade at Fort Leavenworth cutting stone, and certainly didn’t want any of my men to do that, either. Maybe that’s what would have happened if I had ordered them to shoot then. Maybe not. Anything now is just surmising, reflecting back with the benefit of hindsight on decisions made in mere seconds during a black tempest of confusion. We employed proper rules of engagement, just like we’re taught to by the Army lawyers hired to teach us how to avoid jail-time and war crimes and sensationalized scandals reported by a clueless, leaching mass media to an equally clueless public addicted to shock and awe. For every Abu-Ghraib there are hundreds of stories like this; unreported acts of trepidation brought on by the castigation of our combat operations in the name of nation building.

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